Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April Garden

We planted lettuce, cauliflower, kale, garlic, choy, broccoli, parsley, beans - green, green, glorious green.

 Lovely fresh eggs from the dear ladies.

Home made granola for lunch.

Latest pair of socks off the needles and more to come. I am awaiting Socks from the Toe Up to arrive in the post, at which point I shall knit myself a pair of Barvarian Cable Socks. They sound like something I need to have on my feet in Winter.

A seat in the autumn sun with His Highness, sporting his new winter coat....

Listening to The Audreys and Arleta.

1 comment:

  1. And what have you planted in your garden, oh speed sock knitter of 'Voir?? I have that same sock book virginally untouched!
