Friday, November 29, 2013


Thanks to Jo for this photo! Jenny Thomas and I in my final recital. It was a lovely night and I felt all the good things one ought to feel at the end of a three year performance degree - inspired, grateful, assertive, nervous, relieved, excited, a bit sad, satisfied....

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Extreme Camping

wet, windy, cold and none-the-less delight for the kids. Adults a tad grumpy, damp, exhausted. Semesters come to grinding halts - with great results and goodbyes and ideas and sweet relief. The best thing about a less than spectacular camping trip, is coming home. Sweet home. Dry, warm, out of the wind. Endless cups of tea. And happy children.

Bloomin' Fantastic

Food glorious food of the greenest kind. And flowers. And fruit.